The future use of the former Ysgol Pontfadog site is the subject of a wide-ranging community consultation. Glyntraian Community Council is eager to seek as many views of residents in this ward as possible. To that end, many residents will know that a professional community engagement consultant was appointed by the Council in September 2019. These are the key phases and event dates to be aware of as the consultation progresses:
PHASE 1: On 11th September 2019, Marc Roberts, of Cynlas Cyf, an experienced community engagement consultant, was appointed jointly by Glyntraian Community Council and Cadwyn Clwyd after a stringent selection process from the Tenders submitted by the deadline. Marc Roberts began work on the consultation and feasibility study on Monday 16th September. Marc, together with this Council agreed the process and timeline of the engagement programme. This early establishment of the works programme phase is now complete.
Community Engagement
PHASE II: It is Marc Roberts of Cynlas Cyf who will predominantly engage and consult with local groups, organisations, individuals, Glyntraian residents, public bodies and private companies. Together we conducted a Public Drop-in Session at the Oliver Jones Memorial Hall on 9th October and Marc has also connected privately with several key stakeholders, residents and Wrexham Council during this phase. These include but are not limited to:
Glyntraian Community Councillors
Ceiriog Valley Wrexham Councillor, Cllr Trevor Bates
Wrexham Council Head of Assets
The Forest School Group
The Pontfadog Post Office
The Swan Inn
Glyntraian Community Agent
OJ Community Kitchen Lunch Club Members.
It is anticipated the community engagement elements will conclude in December 2019, after which all parties should have a clearer idea of the emerging themes/proposal(s) for the school site as indicated by the majority of Glyntraian residents and key stakeholders.
Key Dates and Activities
Thursday 27th November – Drop-in session at the Oliver Jones Memorial Hall 5:30 – 9pm. (PLEASE NOTE THIS HAS NOW BEEN CANCELLED due to circumstance beyond Marc’s control).
Sunday 8th December – Interactive Family Games Competition at the Oliver Jones Memorial Hall, 1pm – 4pm. Fun for all the family. Come along, share your ideas for the school site and take part in a family games fun challenge where you could win £50! You must register in advance to gain FREE entry. Register here today.
Thursday 12th December – Polling Day Consultation Information Event at the Oliver Jones Memorial Hall 9am – 9pm. Polling day is an unmissable opportunity for this Council to connect with as many of our electorate as possible on the hyper local issue of the future of the school site. Councillors will be on hand throughout the day to speak to about your ideas, concerns and suggestions for its future. Mulled wine and mince pies with our compliments will be available. Please look out for us outside the hall when you come to cast your vote in the General Election. PLEASE NOTE: This is a non-party political information sharing event.
Feasibility Study
PHASE III: Marc Roberts will then work closely with those proposing a viable option(s); assisting in the development of the proposal(s) and providing support in the preparation of a sound business plan, provided such a proposal(s) meets Wrexham Council’s criteria for wide community benefit, financial sustainability, and fits within the Council’s wider strategic plan.
Glyntraian Community Council’s aim is that Marc Roberts will complete the feasibility study element and make his recommendation(s) to Glyntraian Council by the end of February 2020. Glyntraian Community Council will then discuss which (if any) proposal it is prepared to recommend to Wrexham Council for the future use of the site in the medium to long-term.
A full list of Frequently Asked Questions can be downloaded below. The PDF is also downloadable from the Council Information page/strategic documents drop down menu on this website.
Public Meeting Events
It is anticipated that two public meetings will be held in mid January – mid February 2020 in order for the community engagement consultant to gauge the community’s interest and appetite for pursuing any or all of the proposals put forward during the Phase II engagement process. The best way to keep abreast of when these events will take place is to subscribe to this news blog and submit your contact details. Alternatively you can follow the Council’s Facebook page or contact the Clerk for up to date information.
Online & Hard Copy Survey
It is anticipated that members of the community of Glyntraian will be offered the option of taking part in a survey to determine their priorities/preference for the option(s) deemed viable – and meeting the required criteria for sustainability – during January 2020. The Council’s aim is to deliver the surveys to as many households, either online or as physical hard copy, as possible.