BEWARE! Residents at risk of being scammed over COVID-19 vaccine

Dyfed Powys Police Economic Crime Team has become aware that criminals have been sending texts and emails and attempting to lure people to apply for the COVID-19 vaccine to take advantage of the vaccine roll out.

DC Gareth Jordan, from the Cyber Crime Unit, said: “The text is made to look like it comes from the NHS and states, ‘we have identified that you are eligible to apply for your vaccine’ and advises you to follow a link to get more information and ‘apply’. If you follow the link, you are taken to a convincing looking, but fake NHS website that asks for your personal details and requests bank/card details to ‘check your identity’. As with all scams, if you look a little closer, you will see it is not real. In this instance, note the URL is not

It’s not only texts, beware of cold calls and emails regarding the vaccine as scammers are also asking people to pay for it over the phone. Remember! – the vaccine is FREE of charge and there is no way to jump the queue by paying for a ‘priority slot’.”


Community Christmas Hampers

Over this weekend Helping Hands volunteers have packed and delivered 48 Christmas hampers. Helping Hands would like to express its special thanks to Glyntraian Community Council, Glyntraian Community Agent, local residents, local businesses, additional local volunteers and donors for their support.  Simon Baynes MP met the volunteers on Friday and congratulated them on their ‘incredible’ achievement and added that the Ceiriog Valley is a fine example of community.

Simon Baynes MP meets with Helping Hands volunteers

Fake Phone Calls

Warning – Fake phone calls to residents pretending to be from the Police!

We have been notified by Dyfed Powys Police that criminals pretending to be Police officers are calling residents and trying to carry out what is known as ‘Courier Fraud’ this could be happening in the rest of Wales too.

These callers are criminals who will try gain your trust by making you think they are police officers.

▪️Do not engage in conversation with them.

▪️Do not allow them to arrange collection of bank cards.

▪️Put the phone down.

▪️Block the number they called from.

▪️Tell your friends and neighbours about this scam

▪️Report it to your local police force by contacting them via their online webpage or 101

November Council Meeting

There will be no meeting of Glyntraian Community Council on 4th November 2020 because of the current COVID-19 lockdown in Wales.

National Customer Service Week for Post Offices

Next week (5th – 9th October 2020) is National Customer Service Week for Post Offices. 

Adam Shillcock, the Area Manager for Post Office Ltd has been in touch with the Clerk and wishes to thank everybody on behalf of Pontfadog and Glyn Ceiriog Post Offices and their fantastic teams for your support and understanding throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. 

He has requested everyone show their support for this essential service provided in Pontfadog by Phil and Mandy and forward their feedback using the following link:  This information will be used by Post Office Ltd to demonstrate to the Government the importance of Post Offices to their respective communities.  To date there has only been a limited number of responses for Pontfadog and Glyn Ceiriog Post Offices so please make the time to send your feedback.   


Glyntraian Community Council has taken the decision to re-open the playgrounds in Dolywern and Pontfadog from 1st August 2020.


Following the Welsh Government’s guidance on re-opening children’s playgrounds, Glyntraian Community Council will be undertaking COVID-19 risk assessments on the playgrounds in Dolywern and Pontfadog . This will help to decide whether the playgrounds should re-open and what measures should be put in place to ensure users safety. Both playgrounds will remain closed for the time being.

Track and Trace Scam Calls

Please be aware of scammers currently targeting households saying they are from the Track and Trace Service to scam unsuspecting people out of money. The NHS Test and Trace service will only be contacting people by phone, text message or email. Texts will come from ‘NHStracing’ which is a protected sender ID. Calls will come from 0300 013 5000, however there’s still a risk of this number being spoofed. Calls from any other numbers, or from a withheld number, should be treated as fake.

You will only be contacted if, following a COVID-19 test, you have tested positive The NHS will also contact you if someone else who has tested positive for the virus has been in close contact with you. You’ll be asked to self-isolate for 14 days. You’ll be given advice on how to do this, what symptoms you should look out for and what to do if you develop the illness. You will not be asked for any other personal details or payment information in this kind of call or message. And, crucially, you won’t be asked to pass on the details of anyone you’ve been in contact with either. This is because unless you have tested positive or developed symptoms, there is no need to notify anyone you’ve been in touch with at this stage.

Liberty Scam Alert

Please be aware of scammers currently targeting some households in the Wrexham area.  Some people claiming to be from Liberty are attempting to gain entry to homes by saying they have come to service solar panels.  Liberty is the company used by Wrexham Council. The authority has confirmed that no work of this nature is currently being carried out by Liberty and that anyone posing as one of their engineers is not an official representative of this company.