Councillor Vacancies



1          Notice is hereby given that 3 vacancies exist in the Office of Councillor for the Community of Glyntraian

2          An Election to fill these vacancies will be held if within FOURTEEN DAYS (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays) after the first publication of this Notice a request for such an election is made in writing to the Chief Executive & Returning Officer, Electoral Office, Wrexham County Borough Council, The Guildhall, Wrexham, by TEN electors for the Community.

3          If no such Notice requiring the holding of an Election is given then the vacancies will be filled by the Community Council by co-option.

Dated 8th June 2023

Clerk to the Community Council



1          Trwy hyn rhoddir rhybudd bod 3 Swydd Cynghorydd dros yng Nghymuned Glyntraian.

2          Bydd Etholiad i lenwi’r swyddi gwag hyn yn cael ei gynnal os bydd cais am etholiad o fewn PEDWAR DIWRNOD AR DDEG (ac eithrio Sadyrnau, Suliau a Gwyliau Banc) ar ôl cyhoeddiad cyntaf y Rhybudd hwn yn cael ei wneud yn ysgrifenedig i’r Prif Weithredwr a’r Swyddog Canlyniadau, Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Wrecsam, Neuadd y Dref, Wrecsam gan DDEG oetholwyr y Gymuned.

3          Os na fydd Rhybudd o’r fath yn gofyn am gynnal Etholiad yn cael ei roi yna bydd y Cyngor Cymuned yn llenwi’r swyddi gwag drwy gyfethol.

Dyddiedig 8 Mehefin 2023

Clerc y Cyngor Cymuned

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